Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Competition, accusation and jealousy between churches (Youtube by John Burton) Had to share!

Why can't we be more Kingdom Minded and less "Me Minded". John Burton does an awesome job at bringing this home. Jealousy truly has no place in our lives as Christians and as Christians in Church/Ministry Leadership. To paraphrase what Burton says in this video blog: When our aim in Christian Ministry is to advance the kingdom and to disciple followers of Christ we can't be jealous when others have success in their ministry. It can't be about our own church kingdoms, it's not a competition. We need each other in ministry. "Let's speak well of each other in ministry and get excited about other ministries. It's insanity for it to be any other way." 

May the Lord help each of us to remain repentant and learn to support one another and not be islands unto ourselves in ministry. We live in a big world that needs embracing and one ministry alone cannot reach everyone alone. Let's build one another up, bear each other's burdens, and fulfill the law of Christ!

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