Saturday, April 19, 2008

Medical Team Shai Hills Day Two -Video 2

These are three young ladies ages 13, 16, and 19 that came into the clinic. They are beautifully adorned and dressed this way as they are going through puberty rites.

Medical Team Day Two at Shai Hills Manya Village-1

Video clip: Day two is here! Day Two has arrived. We drove about 1 hour North to the Shai Hills Manya Village to set up the free outreach clinic where the Chief welcomed us and allowed us to used his own private home which was still in the building process. It was absolutely perfect for our needs.

The night before our arrival the Chief sounded the "gong-gong" drum to alert the village and the nearby town that we were coming. Both Muslims and Christians came to receive care. In the end we saw over two hundred people and each one was prayed for by our local New Life GO pastors!

I took notice of one man in particular,Muslim, 90 years old. To look at him was like getting a glimpse of the past...he was a tall, thin, and graceful individual, wearing a traditional woven cap and long tunic. He had a small limp and used his thin wooden staff to support himself as he gently ambled over to the chair. As Dr. Haithcock was interviewing him the man asked for the doctor to pray for him to which Dr. Haithcock replied "I will pray for you in the name of Christ, is that fine with you?" The gentle man said, "yes, please pray for me in Christ's name because I can see Christ in you...". What an opportunity...and there we were with opportunities all around us...brought to us by the sound of a "gong-gong" drum. Do you have these opportunites? Can you see them all around you? At the shopping your school...on your sports work? They are there, open your eyes, your spiritual ones, and you will see.

Medical Team Day One-Video 2

Medical Team Day One-Video 1

Video clip: The medical team consisting of New Life Outreach Intl. Church members and several other Christians from other local churches in the Richmond, VA area has arrived! We praise God for the safe arrival of all 7 team members! God is so good- He made a way for Angelo and I along with Pastor Karikari to have special security clearance and be inside the airport to receive the team. We thank the Director of technical services at the Airport for assisting us in this capacity. The entire team was able to go through customs and immigration with no problem whatsoever! On top of that the director kindly loaned us his vehicle and driver for the duration of the stay of the medical team; what a blessing!

Not long after the team arrived we visited an orphanage near our home: The Beacon House, where they care for biologically orphaned children in Ghana and are placed for adoption. Our team went to asses the physical needs of the 27 children and 10+ staff. The children were very excited as they welcomed us and we greeted them with open arms and delightful smiles.

Monday, April 14, 2008

All the trusses are up

Putting up the Trusses

Here we go..putting up the trusses...Monday Morning, 14th of April, 2008! Notice no machinery here, all done by human hands.

Preparing to the up the trusses.

Video clip: Preparing to put up the trusses in the new building. The trusses are what help to hold the roof in place.

Morning Prayer

Video clip: Having morning prayer before beginning work at the construction site for the new building for New Life Global Outreach.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Top View of the Building.

An Inside View of the Building Project now!

Can we count on your help to finish this project?

This is a rough estimate of how much it will cost to finish the building project for New Life Global Outreach in Accra, Ghana, West Africa!

You can donate through "e-give" by clicking the link above that takes you directly to the New Life Global Outreach website. You can also send your financial gift by direct mail to:

New Life Outreach Intl. Church ( )
ATTN: Africa Missions
1005 Turner Road
Richmond VA 23225

Please make certain you clearly designate your donation towards "Africa Missions or New Life GO Africa".

*The following list is an "estimate" of what it will approximately cost to complete the main building project.

1. Roof $6,000.00
2. Tiles and grout $2,000.00
3. Cement (200 bags at $8.80 each) $1,760.00
4. Blocks (6 inch at 65 cents each, 2,500 needed) $1,625.00
5. Sand (5 loads at $140.00 each) $700.00
6. Gravel (3 loads at $240.00) $720.00
7. Iron rods (1 ton load, 1/2 inch) $758.00
8. Electrical $800.00
9. Wood (2 x 6, for cross beams covering the roof) $700.00

Total is $15,063.00
Labor is $2,700.00

Note: This estimate excludes the outdoor bathrooms

500 blocks $275.00
50 bags $400.00
1 load of sand $140.00
1 load of gravel $240.00
Total: $1,055.00
(the roof of the bathroom I do not know, we are hoping to have leftover roofing sheets and use for bathroom, if we build it)

A full view of the building in progress

Take a look at this clip...a full view of the church building in progress for New Life Global Outreach! Accra, Ghana.

Almost there!

Here is a video clip of the front of the church building here in Accra, Ghana. We are very excited about how far it has come in such a short time!