Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ghana Christmas Update

Here's an update for you...just got off the phone with the Pastors of New Life Global Outreach in Ghana West Africa. Angelo, our daughters, and I were able to get on the phone with them via speakerphone and give an encouraging word to the entire congregation! I was so happy. I cried, of course!!! Happy to hear that they were all there watching the Christmas movie, The Nativity using the projector and in the building which many of you supported and helped to build. Wow. The church there IS doing great. We continue to keep in touch with them via phone as often as we can, through texts and phone calls. We prayed for them and for the whole church....the power of today's technology, amazing.

They send us and you Christmas greetings and so do Angelo and I. We are looking forward to 2011 as greater things are yet to come!