Thursday, March 6, 2008

Birthday song for Feliza

Announcing Feliza's birthday to the congregation

Pastor Kakari is announcing my birthday to the congregation...

Hello New Life

This clip was taken during the Sunday morning service, March 2, 2008. Our children's ministry have outgrown the spot they were meeting in and have moved to the inside of this house where we presently meet. The teacher is Mrs. Charlotte Kakari, Pastor Kakari's wife. They are all saying hello to New Life Outreach Intl. Church!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Praise at NLGO

Praise with us at New Life Global Outreach in Accra, Ghana! This clip was taken during the Sunday morning March 2, 2008 service.


It's been a while since our last post, we've been quite busy with the building of the first New Life Global Outreach Sanctuary! So much has been accomplished since our last post. We covet your prayers and thank those of you who have supported the ministry financially...every dollar counts!

One of the best ways to tell you about what's happening here with New Life GO is to show you through more video clips...

Many of you have expressed how much you have enjoyed the videos and agree that pictures speak volumes! So we will be adding more video clips so you can see the progress. Through video we get to bring the news from New Life Global Outreach to you!
