Monday, May 26, 2008

15 Days left in Ghana

Our days are leaving us here in Ghana. It is going by fast. I woke up this morning thinking that before I know it I will be opening my eyes to different surroundings. My ears will hear different sounds. We will sorely miss the New Lifers here in Ghana that we have grown to love and care for. We will also miss the wonderful community of international friends; some missionaries, others business men and women and also dignitaries who we have had the pleasure of sharing lives with.

Waves of emotion pass over us from time to time as we prepare to return back to Virginia. Nevertheless, we know that our peace and strength comes from knowing that what God has begun He will complete! Our lives were interrupted, as my husband puts it, in order to pioneer this awesome ministry here, and as before, our lives have been interrupted again to be obedient to how the Lord chooses to use us.

In the past several years, in particular, I have come to grips with the fact that my life is not my own. In the flesh this reality is not very appealing at all. We've heard many questions and comments regarding us coming home and they range from, "why are you coming home?" to "how can you leave so soon after you've begun?". We don't have all the answers but one thing we feel sure of, our ways are not His ways. In the natural we want everything to make sense because that is how our human minds operate but His mind and His thinking go way beyond our own understanding.

The time has come for us to return. It is time for the men and women that we have "fished for" to begin to go out and fish for themselves. After yesterday morning's worship service that is what they did. They went "fishing". The congregation, armed with a fresh Word from God and prayer, went into the surrounding community to invite all who would listen to this weekend's movie night. Pastor Karikari will be showing the "Jesus Film" inside the new sanctuary, complete with a nice wall to show the movie on and chairs for people to sit on! The "net" will be cast into the crowd in hopes of bringing the lost to the saving power of Jesus Christ!

Our job is not over! We will be returning to Ghana to continue to cultivate what has been planted here! The building project is not fully completed here either. There are a few odds and ends that must be finished along with the continuation of the Pastor's house and a future Bible School which will be built adjacent to the church sanctuary and Lord willing, a New Life Global Outreach Guest House.

We still need your financial support and your prayers to continue the work here and your prayers are needed to uphold the pastors and laborers in Christ here at NLGO...Ghana, West Africa!

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