In Moments Like These
Do you remember that old chorus we used to sing at church, it went like this, “In moments like this, I sing out a song to Jesus, I sing out a song, sing out a song to Jesus, singing Hallelujah . . .” Today, at the Sunday morning service in Ghana, we had one of those moments in the presence of God. In happened during worship time, when the glory of God descended upon us, and we felt the weight of his presence. Everyone knew God was there. Just at that very moment I felt the word of the Lord come to me. I hesitated for a moment, to be truthful, to share it with the congregation. Nevertheless, I recognized God was waiting to do something in the hearts of the people. I spoke a word where God wanted to release joy for the spirit of heaviness. People came to the altar. What happened next…we mounted on Eagle’s wings, and nested in the joy of his presence. All received a “lifting” from their present situation to ultimately behold the face of the Lord Jesus. In moments like these we are transformed as we behold.
Pastor Feliza preached with precision to the hungry heart. Based on 1 Corinthians 13, she spoke on “Love.” The world is waiting today for the church to put love in action. By the way, all of the Sunday messages are translated into Twi (one of many local languages). Everyone who came heard the word of God with gladness.
We had over 20 visitors today. People are coming, old and young, single or married, and babies to children. Imagine that! They all looked so happy to be in the house of God. Our desire is to reach the lost at any cost. Doing whatever it takes to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Let’s take the word of hope to the least, lost and the last! Let’s fulfill the Great Commission in our generation.
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