Staying Put in Your Commitment
Let me ask you a question: Are you only committed or only involved? There was once a kamikaze pilot who flew 52 missions. He was involved in each one, but he was not committed. Here is an important principle in life: the level of commitments defines the quality of your life. Hebrews 11:35 describe the faithful as “not accepting their release.” Simply amazing, they had the opportunity for the easy way out, but they stayed put in their commitment. In spite of the circumstance, in spite of pain, in spite of fear they stayed the course. We often quit so easy, we given in so easy, we turn back so easy, we just . . . stop. Why? So often our level of commitment is tied to our level of comfort.
When it gets uncomfortable we just quit. We drop out, we cry, we whine, we feud, we fight, and ultimately we fail. Here is the truth, the work of God has not always been easy and it’s not always comfortable. It is reassuring to know, God’s will never lead us where His grace cannot keep us. It doesn’t stop there either, God said it would be eternally rewarding. The word for today is, “Stay put! Stay Committed! Stay the Course!” Come out of early Christian retirement and reenlist, recommit, and refocus. You were made to make a difference. Eternity will reveal that, so often we quit before we can see our fruit.
Someone once said:
“My life is but a weaving between the Lord and me; I cannot choose the colors. He worketh steadily. Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow and I in foolish pride, Forget He sees the upper and I the under side. Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful in the weaver’s skillful hand, As the threads of gold and silver, in the patter He has planned”
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