Our recent and past adventures... while living in West Africa & updates on the ministry there.
Monday, December 29, 2008
2008 in Review
What an operation! Our going away service in Ghana was full of so much emotion and tears, we felt so humbled and honored, it is a moment I will never forget. The day finally came that we had to leave our rental house and say goodbye to our dear housekeeping staff. As we made our way a few miles down the road with our belongings, packed in tight like the Beverly Hillbillies, I turned and looked at our now lonely rental house for what seemed like the last time. We were then welcomed by missionary friends who let us stay at their place overnight until it was time to leave for the airport and catch our flight back home. I remember straining to take in all the sights and sounds; the bumpy pot-hole ridden roads with clouds of orange dust rolling alongside the jeep. The mango sellers on the street corners with hundreds of people on foot going to and fro; noisy tro-tros with it's passengers and cargo packed tight like sardines. I did not want to forget what I was feeling at that very moment when we left. Of course we were coming back to visit at some point in the future, but it would be different.
The next morning, while still dark, our faithful driver, Isaac and another missionary friend, Larry, drove us to the airport and we quickly unloaded the vehicles, no time for long goodbyes, the police were nearby and on guard to ensure unloading would go by swiftly and smoothly. We found that we arrived a bit too early, but it all worked out, God had the right people in the right places for us and our bags were waved on through as we were "missionaries" going home. I even cringe at the use of that word "missionary" when I think of the many other veteran missionaries who have lived there for decades; their children born and raised there, those who've truly stuck it out and have faced many challenges. We... "missionaries" there for one year...could we have done more in that one year? did we make that one year count?
Yes we certainly had our tough times while there,and there are certainly other things I do not miss about living there but nevertheless it was part of our life. I miss the work, the ministry, the people we served alongside. The dear friends in Christ we made. By mid-June we were home, after a 6+ hour delay in Morocco and an overnight stay in New York, we were home...almost.
We hit the ground running as they say. Which seems to be our style; not by choice. We stayed in my parent's home for sometime until we could get back into our house which we leased for the year to tenants. The following week after arriving we hopped in the saddle and attended that week's church ministry staff meeting! It's been busy since then. Enrolling our daughters at their old school, attending orientations, unpacking boxes, and diving back in to our previous roles at the church. It almost seems surreal sometimes. There was the usual "How was Africa?" question presented by many to each of us at one time or another to which I would begin my eager reply only to realize that some just wanted a polite brief answer in a nutshell. After experiencing that a couple of times I finally came up with a simple response and would return the question with, "What do you want to know?".
Sometimes I walk around carrying all of these memories and emotions inside me and think do people realize what we experienced, what we went through...our adjustment coming back? The demands of working in the church again are great and the echoes of those demands remained in our ears throughout the year we were in Africa and continue now. It is a part of the life that anyone lives when working in ministry. Of course I am glad to be back. My heart will always long for the unusual. I pray that I don't fall into the pitfalls which can keep me from making my life count for the Kingdom of Heaven.
One thing I have learned is that anyone can easily get side-tracked from making their life count, from reaching out and making a difference in the life of others whether you are in your homeland or abroad. As tears were falling in my lap yesterday morning, during our church service, the Lord gave me a scripture that really spoke volumes to my heart and brought much comfort to me at that moment. My father was beginning his sermon from the book of Philippians. I came across Philippians 1:10-11 "And until that day, Jesus Christ will keep you busy doing good deeds that bring glory and praise to God." I know that no matter where I live my purpose is to worship the most high God, to serve Him by serving His people; making an impact in the Kingdom of Heaven with the talents and gifts He's given me. I encourage you to make your life count in 2009, keep busy doing good deeds that bring glory and praise to God! (To be continued...)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Back in the U.S. and we are digging a Well!
God is good, we have been busy since we arrived back in Richmond, Virginia. We did experience some loong delays in the airports on our way here but we arrived safely, praise God! The first two plus weeks we stayed at my parent's home until our house was ready to move back into.
We had chosen to rent our house out while we were in Ghana, not knowing how long we really were going to be in West Africa. Our teneants were gracious enough to vacate after almost one year and after some fresh paint and new carpet, which God totally provided, we are now back in. It feels good but it does not feel like "home" quite yet.
I miss my old bed in Ghana. It was funny at first because, when we moved back into our house here, we did not have hot water for the first week so we just did what we learned to do in Ghana and heat up water and pour it into a bucket and take a bucket bath!
many people continue to ask if we communicate with our pastoral team back in Ghana and the answer is YES...weekly! We love and miss them very much and pray for them often. My husband will be planning to leave for Ghana this fall to return and continue the work there for a couple of weeks.
The fund raising continues! We are planning for a couple of mega yardsales at our church at the end of the summer and fall. I also found out that "Chick Fillet" restaurant works with you to do fundraisers. If anyone out there is interested in helping us out with something like that please contact us, we must pay off the second portion of land in Ghana by the end of September, 2008 plus airline tickets etc.
Money has come in recently from a precious donor to excavate for a well on the church property in Ghana! Can you imagine, people from the nearby town and neighborhoods coming to New Life Global Outreach to get FREE water! What an opportunity we have to reach out to more lost souls for Jesus Christ and what better place to fetch for clean, fresh, drinking water than at the House of God!
Monday, May 26, 2008
15 Days left in Ghana
Waves of emotion pass over us from time to time as we prepare to return back to Virginia. Nevertheless, we know that our peace and strength comes from knowing that what God has begun He will complete! Our lives were interrupted, as my husband puts it, in order to pioneer this awesome ministry here, and as before, our lives have been interrupted again to be obedient to how the Lord chooses to use us.
In the past several years, in particular, I have come to grips with the fact that my life is not my own. In the flesh this reality is not very appealing at all. We've heard many questions and comments regarding us coming home and they range from, "why are you coming home?" to "how can you leave so soon after you've begun?". We don't have all the answers but one thing we feel sure of, our ways are not His ways. In the natural we want everything to make sense because that is how our human minds operate but His mind and His thinking go way beyond our own understanding.
The time has come for us to return. It is time for the men and women that we have "fished for" to begin to go out and fish for themselves. After yesterday morning's worship service that is what they did. They went "fishing". The congregation, armed with a fresh Word from God and prayer, went into the surrounding community to invite all who would listen to this weekend's movie night. Pastor Karikari will be showing the "Jesus Film" inside the new sanctuary, complete with a nice wall to show the movie on and chairs for people to sit on! The "net" will be cast into the crowd in hopes of bringing the lost to the saving power of Jesus Christ!
Our job is not over! We will be returning to Ghana to continue to cultivate what has been planted here! The building project is not fully completed here either. There are a few odds and ends that must be finished along with the continuation of the Pastor's house and a future Bible School which will be built adjacent to the church sanctuary and Lord willing, a New Life Global Outreach Guest House.
We still need your financial support and your prayers to continue the work here and your prayers are needed to uphold the pastors and laborers in Christ here at NLGO...Ghana, West Africa!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pastor Angelo opens in prayer
Dedication Sunday, May 4, 2008. Pastor Angelo opening the service in prayer, asking everyone to hold hands and join in prayer.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Pharmacist Angelo
Here is Pastor Angelo one night recently helping to count pills for the doctors and nurses from the medical team...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Medical Team Shai Hills Day Two -Video 2
These are three young ladies ages 13, 16, and 19 that came into the clinic. They are beautifully adorned and dressed this way as they are going through puberty rites.
Medical Team Day Two at Shai Hills Manya Village-1
Video clip: Day two is here! Day Two has arrived. We drove about 1 hour North to the Shai Hills Manya Village to set up the free outreach clinic where the Chief welcomed us and allowed us to used his own private home which was still in the building process. It was absolutely perfect for our needs.
The night before our arrival the Chief sounded the "gong-gong" drum to alert the village and the nearby town that we were coming. Both Muslims and Christians came to receive care. In the end we saw over two hundred people and each one was prayed for by our local New Life GO pastors!
I took notice of one man in particular,Muslim, 90 years old. To look at him was like getting a glimpse of the past...he was a tall, thin, and graceful individual, wearing a traditional woven cap and long tunic. He had a small limp and used his thin wooden staff to support himself as he gently ambled over to the chair. As Dr. Haithcock was interviewing him the man asked for the doctor to pray for him to which Dr. Haithcock replied "I will pray for you in the name of Christ, is that fine with you?" The gentle man said, "yes, please pray for me in Christ's name because I can see Christ in you...". What an opportunity...and there we were with opportunities all around us...brought to us by the sound of a "gong-gong" drum. Do you have these opportunites? Can you see them all around you? At the shopping mall...in your school...on your sports team...at work? They are there, open your eyes, your spiritual ones, and you will see.
Medical Team Day One-Video 1
Video clip: The medical team consisting of New Life Outreach Intl. Church members and several other Christians from other local churches in the Richmond, VA area has arrived! We praise God for the safe arrival of all 7 team members! God is so good- He made a way for Angelo and I along with Pastor Karikari to have special security clearance and be inside the airport to receive the team. We thank the Director of technical services at the Airport for assisting us in this capacity. The entire team was able to go through customs and immigration with no problem whatsoever! On top of that the director kindly loaned us his vehicle and driver for the duration of the stay of the medical team; what a blessing!
Not long after the team arrived we visited an orphanage near our home: The Beacon House, where they care for biologically orphaned children in Ghana and are placed for adoption. Our team went to asses the physical needs of the 27 children and 10+ staff. The children were very excited as they welcomed us and we greeted them with open arms and delightful smiles.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Putting up the Trusses
Here we go..putting up the trusses...Monday Morning, 14th of April, 2008! Notice no machinery here, all done by human hands.
Preparing to the up the trusses.
Video clip: Preparing to put up the trusses in the new building. The trusses are what help to hold the roof in place.
Morning Prayer
Video clip: Having morning prayer before beginning work at the construction site for the new building for New Life Global Outreach.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Can we count on your help to finish this project?
You can donate through "e-give" by clicking the link above that takes you directly to the New Life Global Outreach website. You can also send your financial gift by direct mail to:
New Life Outreach Intl. Church (www.newlife1.org )
ATTN: Africa Missions
1005 Turner Road
Richmond VA 23225
Please make certain you clearly designate your donation towards "Africa Missions or New Life GO Africa".
*The following list is an "estimate" of what it will approximately cost to complete the main building project.
1. Roof $6,000.00
2. Tiles and grout $2,000.00
3. Cement (200 bags at $8.80 each) $1,760.00
4. Blocks (6 inch at 65 cents each, 2,500 needed) $1,625.00
5. Sand (5 loads at $140.00 each) $700.00
6. Gravel (3 loads at $240.00) $720.00
7. Iron rods (1 ton load, 1/2 inch) $758.00
8. Electrical $800.00
9. Wood (2 x 6, for cross beams covering the roof) $700.00
Total is $15,063.00
Labor is $2,700.00
Note: This estimate excludes the outdoor bathrooms
500 blocks $275.00
50 bags $400.00
1 load of sand $140.00
1 load of gravel $240.00
Total: $1,055.00
(the roof of the bathroom I do not know, we are hoping to have leftover roofing sheets and use for bathroom, if we build it)
A full view of the building in progress
Take a look at this clip...a full view of the church building in progress for New Life Global Outreach! Accra, Ghana.
Almost there!
Here is a video clip of the front of the church building here in Accra, Ghana. We are very excited about how far it has come in such a short time!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Announcing Feliza's birthday to the congregation
Pastor Kakari is announcing my birthday to the congregation...
Hello New Life
This clip was taken during the Sunday morning service, March 2, 2008. Our children's ministry have outgrown the spot they were meeting in and have moved to the inside of this house where we presently meet. The teacher is Mrs. Charlotte Kakari, Pastor Kakari's wife. They are all saying hello to New Life Outreach Intl. Church!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Praise at NLGO
Praise with us at New Life Global Outreach in Accra, Ghana! This clip was taken during the Sunday morning March 2, 2008 service.
It's been a while since our last post, we've been quite busy with the building of the first New Life Global Outreach Sanctuary! So much has been accomplished since our last post. We covet your prayers and thank those of you who have supported the ministry financially...every dollar counts!
One of the best ways to tell you about what's happening here with New Life GO is to show you through more video clips...
Many of you have expressed how much you have enjoyed the videos and agree that pictures speak volumes! So we will be adding more video clips so you can see the progress. Through video we get to bring the news from New Life Global Outreach to you!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Not Universal Studios (Videos)
We are sightseeing in this clip and have come accross a very old chopper at Aburi Botanical Gardens, a famous tourist spot here in Ghana. In the first video are Marisol, our youngest daughter, and our driver Isaac. You can hear pastor Angelo in the background saying "this is like universal studios" and then you can hear Suleima saying "hmmff" with emphasis! In the second video below you see Pastor Angelo and driver Isaac and Marisol. If you listen carefully you can hear the beautiful exotic sounds of the many birds there in the botanical gardens. Keep in mind it is dry season so everything has lost it's lush green color for now.
Mixing the cement at construction site (Video)
Just in case you've NEVER seen cement being mixed before, I thought I'd throw this one in for you! The difference of course is that not only is it just cement, but cement being mixed in Ghana AND for the new, first of many more to come, New Life Global Outreach Church! AMEN!
(Boy, my dad was right, you tend to get excited over all the little things when you are in a building program, in the U.S. or abroad! -Feliza)
Friday, February 1, 2008
Heading towards Aburi (Video)
Aburi, pronounced Ah-boo-ri, with the accent on the "ri". Further up the mountain and past this quaint little village is where New Life GO, the Aburi branch, is located. Hope you enjoy the drive!
Building the Store House! (Videos)
"I am the Lord All-Powerful, and I challenge you to the test. Bring the entire ten percent into the storehouse, so there will be food in my ouse. Then I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with blessing after blessing. I will also stop locusts from destroying your crops and keeping your vineyards from producing. Everyone of every nation will talk about how I have bless you and about your wonderful land. I, the Lord All-Powerful, have spoken!" Malachi 3:10-12 (Word in Life Bible, Contemporary English Version).
What a fitting verse for this video clip. Here you can see construction of a small structure already taken place on our brand new property! This is the building of the 'store house' which is to be used for storage of the building supplies and equipment, later it will be used as part of the church facilities.
Church Doors (Video)
Enter His Gates with thanksgiving! Here is a video clip is of some (good quality entry doors which we'd like to have installed in the New Life Global Outreach Church here in Accra Ghana. You are seeing two sets. Each set costs $750. (Not including the anti-buglary gating). We need four sets. This is one of several needs that we have as we go along in this building process. Perhaps this is an area that you would consider contributing to? We invite you to visit our website at http://www.newlifego.org/ our e-mails are posted, we'd love to hear from you...more updates to follow!
Digging the Trenches (Video)
Here is a video clip of the trenches being dug out. The earth is hard and dry. It is dry season and the Harmattan is still upon us. Nevertheless, the building construction is going full force! The trenches are being dug by hand and are for the wall which will surround the church compound. This is a requirement here plus once you buy property it is important to immediately construct a wall, this let's everyone else know that the property is taken and a building of some kind will soon follow. We covet your prayers as this piece of property is now holy ground, dedicated to the service of God and His Kingdom!
Fresh Coconut mmmmm (Video)
Want some fresh coconut? This video clip was taken recently. We often pull over on the side of the road to grab a fresh and natural "pick me up". I (Feliza) like to call it "God's Gatorade"...it's full of fresh cool and clear water with a hint of coconut and plenty of nutrients!
Groundbreaking has begun! (Video)
Here is a video clip of the property that has been purchased for New Life Global Outreach in Accra. As you can see, construction has already begun...
In class discussion (Video)
This video clip was taken this week during our Pastor's school. They were asked to form small discussion groups on "santification". They did not want to stop :)
Liberia Update by Pastor Angelo
Now in Liberia, Pastor Morrison is reaching out to people who have gone through 14 years of civil war. They call me often, and I can hear people singing in the background, the praises of God rising up to heaven. There is the fire of God in the baby church. New converts are ready to worship and witness.
A miracle in the house came next in the plans of God. In the beginning, the glorious gospel came to a household, and in this home is where the church is meeting. The head of the household, is currently in prison serving time. Pastor Morrison went to the prison, to minister to him, and share with him Jesus as the real answer. He received the Lord in his heart, then in turn as he is overtaken by joy, gave ½ an acre for free to build a church. How amazing are God’s ways!
Soon we must go to Liberia to minister the word of hope and at the same time officially register New Life Global Outreach. Also the church in Liberia is eager to see us. We need to build a house of worship in Liberia, consider adopting Liberia in your heart. Will you keep Liberia in prayer? Pray for New Life Global Outreach in Liberia as it begins a journey of victory. Pray for more souls, more disciples, more laborers, more resources to fulfill the Great Commission.
Monday, January 28, 2008
NLGO Aburi Church (New Video posts here!)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Obedience (a children's ministry lesson) by Marisol Cabrera
Who knows what obedience is? Obedience is doing what your parents, whoever is in charge or even God tells you to do. Obedience is also doing it with a happy heart and not with a grumpy or angry heart. You should also do it right away when you are told. I’m going to tell you a story.
There were two boys. One named Kojo and the other one named Ebenezer. One day Kojo’s father told him to get some wood to make fire. Kojo didn’t want to so he didn’t do it right away. Instead he went to play with his friends. When he came back he got the wood but his heart was very angry so he decided only to get a little bit of wood. Was kojo obedient?
On the same day kojo’s friend Ebenezer was also told to get wood. So he ran right away and got enough firewood to cook his supper. Because Ebenezer did it right away he had a lot of time to go play with his brother. Was Ebenezer obedient? Jesus wants us to obey whoever is in charge including Him. We are going to draw a picture of us obeying our parents.
Time to Build by Angelo Cabrera
The piece of land is situated in a location where there are no churches in its vicinity. The people in the community have already let us know they are awaiting our arrival with great expectation. The land has already been cleared of bush and stumps. Some people have the tendency to move markers to take land that is not theirs so a wall has to be built around the property to protect the boundaries of the land.
We have reached our space capacity where the church meets on Sundays. There is a similarity with the children of Israel, in their journey to the holy land, meeting in tents and all that is portable. Nevertheless, everyone works together united to make it all happen.
Today the official announcement, “Land has been bought!” was made to the church. Everyone rejoice, clapped, danced, shouted for joy, and every eye gleamed with anticipation. Everyone feels God is on the move and we are moving with him.
The purchase of this piece of land is so on time. We do not have the capacity right now to accommodate the children for Sunday School or Children’s Church. Just today we had 20 visitors come to the Sunday morning church service. We are raising pastors who need a training center to meet. Every week we train over 20 pastors and we just don’t have any more room in our home to accommodate them. We are looking forward to having an office at the new church. From here the central church can partner even stronger with the new church plants in Ghana.
Some will say to me, that’s a good problem, the growth and the expansion of the kingdom. Our response is, it is a good problem, but it is still a problem. We need the space and room to grow. Families buy or build bigger houses as they grow, so it must be too with the church.
Up to this point, since we got to Ghana, we have never asked for your financial help on our blogs. We do not take the charge of stewardship lightly, even more, with oversees missions. Today, I feel compelled; to ask you what can you do to help this great work. It is time to build. The season has come and we together can rise to the occasion. Pray and ask the Lord God to help you in making this possible through your favorable giving. Become an impact player today. You can give whatever amount. On our website, you can click E-give, and look for Africa Missions. Whatever you give, will be used to build the house of God. It is a legacy that will impact souls ‘till Jesus comes back for the church!
The Great Commission and the Great Commandment by Angelo Cabrera
Do you remember that old chorus we used to sing at church, it went like this, “In moments like this, I sing out a song to Jesus, I sing out a song, sing out a song to Jesus, singing Hallelujah . . .” Today, at the Sunday morning service in Ghana, we had one of those moments in the presence of God. In happened during worship time, when the glory of God descended upon us, and we felt the weight of his presence. Everyone knew God was there. Just at that very moment I felt the word of the Lord come to me. I hesitated for a moment, to be truthful, to share it with the congregation. Nevertheless, I recognized God was waiting to do something in the hearts of the people. I spoke a word where God wanted to release joy for the spirit of heaviness. People came to the altar. What happened next…we mounted on Eagle’s wings, and nested in the joy of his presence. All received a “lifting” from their present situation to ultimately behold the face of the Lord Jesus. In moments like these we are transformed as we behold.
Pastor Feliza preached with precision to the hungry heart. Based on 1 Corinthians 13, she spoke on “Love.” The world is waiting today for the church to put love in action. By the way, all of the Sunday messages are translated into Twi (one of many local languages). Everyone who came heard the word of God with gladness.
We had over 20 visitors today. People are coming, old and young, single or married, and babies to children. Imagine that! They all looked so happy to be in the house of God. Our desire is to reach the lost at any cost. Doing whatever it takes to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Let’s take the word of hope to the least, lost and the last! Let’s fulfill the Great Commission in our generation.