Today was a great day at church. Between last Sunday and today we doubled in size. I challenged the people. The challenge was bring someone with you. We will purchase the chairs but bring a person to fill it. This week we went out and purchased a meeting tent (about the size used in carports), plastic chairs for adults, small chairs for children, a banner, ordered a wooden pulpit to be made, and tables adult and children size. The set up is just exciting to see. A place of worship for adults and for the first time a place for children for children’s ministry. Since we don’t have a church structure, we meet outside on a patio, beside an unfinished house. We meet early in the morning at 9:00 a.m. in order to catch the nice breeze.
Five people came to the saving power of Jesus Christ. We were blessed to have many visitors among us. They loved the church service. I preached on being “Called Out,” “Formed Out,” and “Sent Out.” This is based on Mark 1:15-17. I communicated the vision of the church. The vision was primarily to be a soul winning church and helping people grow and be grounded in the word of God. Today, for this week, I cast out another new challenge. If we bought another tent, to place more chairs, will they fill it up. There was a resounding yes.
Jesus fed the multitudes. Today I mentioned we were going to have meals after church next week. They were shocked by the announcement. None of the Ghanaian churches, according to those present, ever had offered meals after church. I told them to come with a belly ready to be filled, invite someone else, and there will be plenty for all. We want to be known as a giving and gracious church in the community. Coming next weekend, I believe strongly we will double once again. There is a strong push to break attendance barriers. This is an end time harvest. The souls of men are at stake.
It was simply awesome to see children’s church go from 5 children to 20 children in one week. Feliza, Annie, Marisol and Suleima directed the children’s church service. The children were glued to everything they saw and heard. They loved the puppets! What an unforgettable impression was made in those young hearts! I wouldn’t be surprise to see 40 children in the next children’s church service. We are going to be training children’s church workers in the next few weeks. We are looking also in starting a youth group. Also, we want to start Sunday school for all ages as a base for discipleship and leadership training.
The work is just beginning. There is much to be done. Prayers up to heaven must not cease. Stand with us, believing God for the unsual to take place.
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