Thursday, March 22, 2007

He Is Faithful!

I would like to share an e-mail I received from Angelo today. As you know he is in Ghana right now with my father and I finally received a 2nd e-mail from him. I was very delighted when I read this news:

"Today we were able to get a name approved for New Life Ghana. We are going to work onthe paper work. The name for New Life Outreach International in Ghana is now called...
NEW LIFE GLOBAL OUTREACH. Awesome! Your dad has been excellent! He has an awesome vision now for Ghana. He is behind us 100%. There is so much that we still have to do. Yesterday your dad preached at the church (Pastor Sam's) and he did great. We are going to have an awesome year in Ghana. We are looking for rental properties. Tell everyone the good news!"

When I read that my heart leaped for joy as I also shared the news in person with our office staff here. Smiles were miles wide as everyone rejoiced with me. My mother, Carmen, was in tears as I shared the news over the phone. God is good.

It wasn't long after I received the e-mail that I was set to forward it to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law in New York (Pastor Fernando and Elvia) when my cell phone range and at first impression thought it was my husband Angelo calling me from Ghana...then I realized no, it was his identical twin, Fernando, calling from NYC to find out if I had heard any word from Angelo yet! So I began sharing the e-mail and Fernando said something to the effect of:

"When God entangles you in a vision...that's're in!"

We just want to be in God's will wherever that takes us! And so we continue to prepare with Angelo over there and me here little by little. Thank you Lord for answered prayer and always, always coming through. You are faithful...

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