Thursday, February 15, 2007

In everything give Him thanks...

Finally, a post to read on our blogspot! I have been wanting to add my thoughts for some time now but I didn't really know where to begin. I have been keeping a journal since God spoke to our hearts last year about moving to Africa and maybe as time goes on I will share some of those early entries here. For now I will write about the present. For us this year is flying by too fast! It is already mid-February and we are to depart from the U.S. in September. There is sooo much to get done way before we move that sometimes it is overwhelming if I think about all of it at the same time. These are a few things on the top of my list:

  • Get the necessary vaccinations for Suleima and our two daughters
  • Apply for one of our daughter's passport, our oldest already has hers
  • Apply for our daughters' and Suleima's visas to Ghana, Angelo and I already have ours
  • Continue to downsize our belongings, sending things to the New Life Thrift Store
  • Continue prepping our home for rent, we began this process last year
  • Make a list of "musts" to take with us
  • Speak with our daughters' school principal about their education, I'll be homeschooling!

Of course there are many more items that need to be added but this gives you an idea of what we are working on right now. Our girls were caught up Monday on their regularly scheduled childhood immunizations, Annie got 3 shots, and Marisol got 4 shots yesterday from their Doctor. They were so brave, no crying (::[ ]::) My poor girls, their tender arms are so sore, and those were just the normal yearly shots that they needed to get! But, not too worry, they are feeling better today, still a bit sore though! I still have to schedule an overseas appointment at the passport health office for them and for Suleima. They give missionaries a discount there! Every bit helps I think the Yellow Fever shot alone costs $80-90! So you can imagine that plus a handful of other vaccinations can add up fast.

It's really happening...we're moving and I speak for all of us when I say thank you to everyone of you who have stood by us and prayed for us and with us! God is faithful and He truly is seeing us through this time of transition and I know He will see the NLOI church family through this as well. Until the next posting...

"In everything give Him Thanks..." [Feliza]

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